Hey! I’m emma.

I'm a qualified Life Coach and long practicing eclectic witch who's helped numerous women transform their personal lives.
A few years ago I said goodbye to my management job role in order to embark on a journey of self-discovery. I reclaimed the word ‘witch’, and harnessed the power within me that was always there, desperate to get out and speak.
Since that time, I've gone on to find my purpose and build a full-time coaching practice. Now my mission is to help other womxn find their confidence and live it by stepping into their power. It’s my life’s work to help women everywhere transform their lives by rediscovering who they really are - finding their inner witch and voice in the process.

It wasn't always like this....I had such a desire for change, but struggled with using my true voice. I made a discovery - the answer lay in self-belief. Trusting myself. Realising my power, and that our magick had always lies within.
That's when things really fell into place.

I will support you by giving you the tools, insight and guidance you need to help you live a life of feeling truly confident, from the inside out. I give you the time and space to discover the answers that already lie within, and guide you on your journey of harnessing the power of your inner witch. Want to know more? Keep scrolling…

How did I get here?

I spent my entire adult life feeling so doubtful of myself and full of shame, that I was crippled by shyness whenever I felt any direct attention on me. The answer lay in partying for me - it gave me the confidence I so desperatley craved, and I was the life and soul….until the next day when I was back to struggling to speak up, hold any boundaries or not be tortured by the fear of what everyone thought of me.

I was so trapped by the fear of what others thought that I stayed exactly where I was for years. Too afraid to even speak up in front of two people or more - despite ending up in management positions! Picture: Beetroot red from head to toe, eyes streaming and hands shaking when trying to hold a meeting, let alone stepping even a toe outside of my comfort zone to figure out who I really was, underneath it all.

It was torture.

What changed?

Quite honestly, I got sick and tired of my lack of confidence holding me back. Then, in July 2019 I quit drinking, and oh man if that didn’t force me to have to deal with this - no more crutch! I had started seeing a life coach around a year before this, and with her support and guidance, I began to really turn my life around and come back to my witchy ways.

Growing up in the Highlands of Scotland, I always felt a connection with nature, but it wasn't until I discovered the New Age section of the book shop 20 + years ago that my journey truly began. I still have those witchy and spiritual books that were my earliest guides, and have spent many years delving into and practicing many aspects of the spiritual - finding my true inner voice in the process.

Over the last 20 years, I've made mistakes, I've learned from them, I've practiced what I preach, and I've helped countless women build their self esteem.

I spent time working on overcoming my fears - and now I hold talks in front of large groups, host monthly workshops, have actual boundaries, speak up when I want to , without fear or the crippling shyness that was once my nemesis.

It became my mission to support others to transform their self belief too.

In a nutshell - I did the work, and committed to my craft. It wasn’t a linear journey, and it was a bumpy road, but I made progress. The work is continuous, but that feeling like you’re wading through mud does dissipate through the process, I promise.

‘Hands down, my biggest breakthrough must be the increase in my self-confidence and trust in myself. My major insight is that self belief has given me everything I have unknowingly looking for externally for most of my life’ - Joelle