well, hi!

Tell me, how many of these are ringing true for you:

Your fear of being judged is keeping you stuck

Dipping a toe outside of your comfort zone feels terrifying

Boundaries is a four letter word - you have no idea where to start

You’re intrigued by the spiritual and witchy, but it’s all so overwhelming

You are harder on yourself than anyone you know - self doubt is your best friend

You’d love that inner knowing and self belief that folk talk about

Now, imagine you could overcome alllll of these and have more confidence to boot?

‘Sure, Emma, sure….cause it’s that easy’

I can hear your eye roll, trust me. I’ve been there. But that’s also why I can help, and have helped numerous women achieve all of this and so much more.

Keep scrolling to see what some of my wonderful clients have to say about it….

‘I know myself better’

‘I have spent the last six months meeting with Emma to try and get rid of some really limiting beliefs and thought patterns. I knew there was work to be done, but I had lost sight of how to look after myself and prioritise my own dreams. Emma came along and asked me all the right questions at the right moments to somehow allow me to unblock my mind.

I know myself better, and I’m less afraid of how that might look to others. She is the real deal - contacting Emma is one of the best investments you could make in yourself. ’ - Ellie

‘I feel happy in my own skin’

‘Throughout the whole journey I have felt a huge shift in my perspective of the same problems I swore I couldn't do anything about.

I can now respond rather than react, take the time to think and speak - rather than just blurting something out, really enjoy my own company and rest time and feel happy in my own skin.

I trust my gut, have the confidence and ability to tackle a situation calmly, and now do things with intent rather than just doing them for the sake of it.’ - Karli

‘I believe in myself’

‘My biggest breakthroughs from coaching with Emma?

I have choices. I can choose how to feel or react to situations. I have far more control with what's going on around me.

I can choose to make change or dwell on the things I don't like.

I can believe in myself and push my boundaries without the world ending. 'What's the worst that could happen?' I am stronger than I realised. I also can put myself first guilt free’ - Chloe

Who am I?

I’m Emma - a qualified life coach and eclectic witch who helps women find their voice - so they can be the authentic version of themselves they’ve always wanted to be

My mission is to create a world where every woman believes in herself and knows her power.

I live for this shizz (and the occasional tree hug).

How do I coach?

Well, first off, I ensure you have the right tools, insight and guidance to say goodbye to self doubt.

But I also mix a variety of holistic methods with traditional coaching techniques, meaning everything we do is personalised to you and where you are at - you get a fully rounded experience. No cookie cutter coaching for you, that just wouldn’t do.

There is no such thing as a one size fits all coaching technique, so I don’t even go there. I tailor my vast array of knowledge across many modalities to make sure you get the best results from our time together.

We could be harnessing the energy of the moon cycles, turning to Tarot for extra guidance, or tuning into hypnosis that will propel you forward in ways traditional techniques can’t.

You want support, accountability, guidance and insight?

Let’s do it.